Frequently Asked Questions
What is DVPA?
We are known as "Deer Valley Pilots Association" or DVPA. We are the "tenant" association representing General Aviation pilots and aircraft owners of Deer Valley airport (DVT). In earlier years, we were known as Deer Valley P.I.L.O.T. Association, where the P.I.L.O.T. stood for "Phoenix Inter-airport League Of Tenants". DVPA is one of the largest and most active tenant organizations in the state of Arizona. It represents aircraft owners at the largest general aviation airport in the nation.
What is the history of DVPA?
The association was originally founded in 1978 for the original purpose of representing the DVT general aviation tenants and negotiating reasonable fees for hangars and tie-downs. The association has been active in the maintenance of hangars, building of new hangars, establishing reasonable inspection guidelines and minimum standards.
What do you do?
The DVPA charter is to represent general aviation tenants of DVT airport with regard to hangars, tie-downs and general aviation activities conducted at the airport. The association works closely with airport administration representing the general aviation interests of pilots and aircraft owners. DVPA takes a proactive and collaborative approach to representing tenants' concerns and aspires to make DVT the "BEST" general aviation airport possible.
When do you meet?
Business meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7p.m. at the DVT Terminal building 2nd floor Conference Room. The meetings are open to the membership and attendance by the public is welcomed.
Why should I join DVPA?
Your membership is necessary to maintain a strong tenant voice and dialog with the City of Phoenix (Phoenix Aviation) on the administration and operation of DVT airport. The common interests of all tenants is uniformly presented and negotiated through a central recognized representative (DVPA). This results in more efficient and effective attention to tenant concerns.
Who can join DVPA?
Membership is available to all tenants of hangars (covered and open tie downs and their affiliates at Phoenix Deer Valley Airport), members of DVT-based flying clubs, persons that rent DVT-based aircraft (including but not limited to their families, maintenance technicians, or other supporting persons). Regular membership shall also be available to any pilot who regularly operates an aircraft from Deer Valley Airport.
What does it cost to join?
The membership dues are $25.00 per year. Fill out the application form in the upper righthand corner of this website.
What social functions do you have?
DVPA conducts at least one social activity per quarter. This can range from an aviation seminar to a fly-in, hospitality hangar, or a joint activity with another DVT resident flying organization. DVPA participates in local airport charitable functions to enlighten and interest children in aviation. The annual membership picnic is held in November.
Where does DVPA fit in with the other Phoenix area alphabet flying organizations?
DVPA doesn't compete with other DVT resident aviation organizations. It complements the function and operation of those organizations and encourages members to support those organizations. DVPA maintains an interface with ASAG, AFTW and PAUWG.